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Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery services offered in Bayonne, Plainfield and Jersey City, NJ

In situations requiring advanced dental procedures, such as those involving teeth or jaw surgery, oral surgery may be recommended. For instance, if complications arise due to impacted wisdom teeth, an oral surgeon can assist in their extraction. Similarly, when gum disease is present and a gum graft is necessary, the expertise of a periodontist specialized in such procedures can be sought.

Understanding Oral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a wide array of procedures that involve interventions in teeth, gums, jaws, and the surrounding structures of the mouth and face. These procedures include tooth extraction, dental bone grafting, restoration of gum tissue, and the correction of misaligned jaws.

Professionals Conducting Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is typically performed by dental specialists known as oral and maxillofacial surgeons or periodontists. Both oral surgeons and periodontists undergo comprehensive training lasting three to four years beyond their dental school education.

Purposes of Oral Surgery

Oral surgery serves various purposes, often addressing conditions such as:

Severe tooth decay.

Extensive tooth damage.

Gum disease.

Impacted or trapped teeth.

Tooth loss.

Jaw joint issues causing pain or limited movement.

Reduced jaw bone density.

Sleep apnea.

Oral cancer.

Noncancerous growths or masses within the oral cavity.

Overview of Oral Surgery Procedures

Oral surgery is commonly performed in a dental office setting, allowing patients to return home post-procedure. To enhance patient comfort, sedation options like nitrous oxide, pills, or intravenous (IV) sedation may be provided. Alternatively, more intricate procedures could be carried out in a hospital under general anesthesia.

Preparation for Oral Surgery

1.Preparation for oral surgery parallels the steps taken before significant medical procedures. While specifics may vary based on the surgery type, adhering to your dentist's instructions is imperative.

2.Ensure a clean and orderly recovery space for comfort during recuperation, which typically spans a few days. If necessary, arrange your bed for an inclined position.

3.Adhere to pre-surgery guidelines provided by your oral surgeon, which might involve fasting from food and drink for 8-10 hours prior to the procedure.

4.Plan for transportation after surgery. Depending on the anesthesia used, your ability to drive could be affected. While driving might not be an issue with topical or local anesthesia, arranging for someone to drive you home is essential if IV anesthesia is administered.

Recovery Period after Oral Surgery

Recovery time varies individually, but generally, most individuals begin to feel normal within about a week. The duration of recovery depends on the complexity of the procedure. Your healthcare provider will provide appropriate medications to ensure comfort during this phase.